Marisa L. Lago
Under Secretary for International Trade
- Millionaire
Estimated Net Worth
- $6.0 M - $15.4 M
- Unknown
- Started 12/28/2021
Indicates number of lines involving "New York City Employee Pension".
Financial Disclosure Details - OGE Form 278e (04/01/2024)
Employment Agreements and Arrangements
# | Employer Or Party | City | Status And Terms | Date |
1 | New York, New York | Pursuant to the terms of the plan, my interest in this plan is unvested until such time as I have 10 years of creditable service with the State of New York or the City of New York. My interest is currently unvested. | 10/1983 |
Financial Disclosure Details - OGE Form 278e (04/11/2023)
Employment Agreements and Arrangements
# | Employer Or Party | City | Status And Terms | Date |
1 | New York, New York | Pursuant to the terms of the plan, my interest in this plan is unvested until such time as I have 10 years of creditable service with the State of New York or the City of New York. My interest is currently unvested. | 10/1983 |
Financial Disclosure Details - OGE Form 278e (07/25/2021)
Employment Agreements and Arrangements
# | Employer Or Party | City | Status And Terms | Date |
1 | New York, New York | Pursuant to the terms of the plan, my interest in this plan is unvested until such time as I have 10 years of creditable service with the State of New York or the City of New York. My interest is currently unvested pending assessment of whether my previous and current service will be credited. I will continue to participate in this plan. | 10/1983 |
Do you have information about Marisa L. Lago that is missing from this database?
Drop us a line at [email protected].